At APOSTOLIC FAITH FELLOWSHIP LAKEWOOD, we are dedicated to serving our community with unwavering faith, love, and compassion. Our journey is rooted in the timeless teachings of Jesus Christ, guiding us to extend a hand of kindness and support to all who seek solace and spiritual growth. With a rich history of devotion and service, we welcome you to join our family as we continue to spread God’s love and make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

Our Core Values

  1. Verbal inspiration of the Bible (2 Pet 1:2, 2 Tim 3:16)
  2. One God and three persons in Him (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost)(Matt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14)
  3. In Jesus Christ- the virgin birth, His miracles, death, resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father where He sits as Lord and mediator (Phil 2:5-11; Eph 1:2; Matt 26:28)
  4. True repentance, justification of those who truly repent, and entire sanctification (real change) (Acts 2:38; Romans 3:23)
  5. Water baptism by one water immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Matt 3:16, 28:18-19; Romans 6:1-6; Col 2:12)
  6. Baptism of the Holy Spirit with initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Acts 2:4 and Mark 16:17
  7. Church as a body of truly saved believers (John 17:17, Eph 4:1-12, 1Cor 12:12-27)
  8. Second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ a.) Rapture (True Believers) 1Thess 4:13-18 b.) Judge living sinners after tribulation (2 Thess 2:4-1, 1 Cor 15) c.) Millennial kingdom and Great White Throne judgment. (Rev. 20)
  9. In bodily resurrection, eternal life for the righteous in heaven with Christ and eternal punishment (in fire) for the wicked in hell (Rev 21:8)

Drop Us a Message!

We believe that life is better when we’re connected, so reach out to us as we journey together in faith, hope, and love.